IoT Deployment and Usage Trend Challenges and Opportunities


          Delivering Insights, Information, & Advice


 Serving leading companies around the world




2016 Survey

•Polled >350 global businesses in June/July 2016.

•Approximately 80% of respondents hailed from North America; remaining 20% were international (Europe, Asia-Pacific & South America)

•All classes of businesses were represented:

•SMBs = 42%

•SMEs = 17%

•Enterprises = 41%

•Survey respondents were culled from >20 vertical market segments


 2015 Survey

•Polled >450 global businesses in June 2015.

•Approximately 85% of respondents hailed from North America; remaining 15% were international (Europe, Asia-Pacific & South America)

•All classes of businesses were represented:

•SMBs = 31%

•SMEs = 26%

•Enterprises = 43%

Survey respondents were culled from >45 vertical market segments



 IoT 2016 Usage Soars

80% of respondents use or plan to deploy IoT.


What IoT Services Deployed?


IoT Primary Benefits

Big Data Analytics Delivers Biggest IoT Benefits in 2016



What Challenges in IoT Deployments?

IoT is moving from Strategic to Tactical



IoT Security Challenges


Only 13% of Firms Say IoT will Improve Security

IoT Cost Savings?


Around half of respondents have not yet begun to

calculate IoT cost savings or are “Unsure”


What Type of Vendors Will Have the Most Influence on Your Firm’s IoT Selection & Decisions?


Leverage Telecom Operator’s Experience on Integration and Interoperability







Vendors to Offer Clear, Comprehensive Security Guidance





New Business Model to Accelerate IoT Adoption

Building IoT Partner Ecosystem




IoT adoption is moving at pace. • Big Data Analytics is the number one benefit
• IoT is moving from Strategic to Tactical
• Interoperability/integration & Security are top challenges
• Cost is critical to plan a roadmap for IoT deployments.


System Integrator and Network Operator as the most valuable IoT partners

Partner Ecosystem necessary to accelerate IoT adoption.


